Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Development Resources
Faculty Program Overview
The Burnett School of Medicine is committed to the precept that diversity and educational excellence go hand in hand. We believe that diversity and inclusion are key drivers of institutional excellence that can accelerate our ability to innovate and solve complex problems. Excellence in this context refers to high quality patient care, research, and teaching, a culturally responsive climate, a focus on community outreach, and an engaged workforce.
Diversity and Inclusion Mentoring Network
Mentorship has been shown to be integral to the success of students, trainees and faculty in academic medicine. Mentoring has particularly been shown to be an important component of nurturing and sustaining pipelines of diverse (defined broadly see the School of Medicine definition of diversity) students, trainees, and faculty. The School of Medicine is committed to creating a community that fosters the success of students and faculty in academic medicine and has launched the Diversity and Inclusion Mentoring Network.
Purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Mentoring Network:
To create a community to foster success of diverse students and faculty in academic medicine. The School of Medicine embraces an inclusive excellence view of diversity that encompasses a broad definition of diversity that includes but is not limited to the following domains: 1st generation college students/graduates; individuals from socio-economically limited backgrounds; LGBTQ+ populations; students and faculty of color.
If you are interested in joining the Diversity and Inclusion Mentoring Network, please register here
Health Care Disparities
This series will support a comprehensive approach to establishing the causes of disparities from a population –based perspective that includes diversity as important market of where and how inequities in health status occur and how and why they persist. The ultimate goal is to equip future providers with the ability to examine and treat not only the illness but to foster liaisons in the community to address and remove persistent causes of disparate levels of morbidity and mortality. By intentionally focusing on instilling a vision for the health and well-being of the public, the health care system will become a leader for health rather than simply an entity that along with a solid focus on treating the entire person, in collaboration with others.
Lectures will consist of presentation of background data, examination of case studies, and interactive and collective problem-solving. Local faculty and community members will be invited to participate when/as consistent with ongoing research or interests, and community evidence-based interventions. In sum, a community-based participatory approach will be used in each session.
Safe Zone Training
Join our growing community of LGBTQ+ allies and plan to attend the upcoming Med Safe Zone training open to all faculty and staff at the Burnett School of Medicine.
MedSafeZone will increase your awareness and knowledge of health disparities experienced in the LGBTQ+ communities and teach you to be a safe zone or safe place where all people feel welcomed and included.
Mark your calendars:
June 22, 2023
Register here.