Burnett Brand Ambassadors Tell Fort Worth Medical School’s Story

The Anne Burnett Marion School of Medicine at Texas Christian University’s Brand Ambassadors Program Selection Committee has chosen six new medical students from the class of 2026 to represent the school in communications campaigns.

Photo Credit: Glen Ellman for Burnett School of Medicine

FORT WORTH – The Burnett School of Medicine’s Brand Ambassadors Program Selection Committee has chosen six new medical students from the class of 2026 to represent the school in communications campaigns.

“Through the unique and compelling stories of our medical students, we’ve been able to showcase our unconventional medical school and novel approach to medical education,” said Maricar Estrella, Director of Digital Development and Content Strategy, who founded the program in 2019. “The new cohort of brand ambassadors brings great enthusiasm and we look forward to watching their stories unfold.”

The 35 Burnett Brand Ambassadors represent the Fort Worth medical school in media interviews as well as marketing and social media campaigns. They may also be asked to attend special events and functions and give reports or speeches about the school.

The 2022-23 SOM Brand Ambassadors are:

Class of 2023: McKenna Chalman, Briana Collins, Mei Mei Edwards, Edmundo Esparza, Sam Evans, Kav Kaur, Charna Kinard, Jonas Kruse, Quinn Losefsky, Sarah Lyon, Brandon Mallory, Ive Mota Avila, Connor Rodriguez, Nathalie Scherer, Dilan Shah, Juhi Shah, Shelby Wildish

Class of 2024: Toni Igbokidi, Lauren Moore, Danielle Sader, Sam Sayed, Kyle Simon, Ilana Zago

Class of 2025: Isabella Amado, Kevin Chao, Christopher Corona, Alejandra Gutierrez, Ethan Vieira, Lindsay Zumwalt

Class of 2026: Angela Abarquez, Parminder Deo, Lauren Hui, Kailie McGee, Jonah Schmitz, Winston Scambler

The program has grown to include media training from local journalists such as NBC 5 Today Anchor Deborah Ferguson, who gave tips on communicating effectively during a broadcast interview, and experts such as Sheila Scott, MBA, who taught persuasive speaking techniques.

Students are selected through an application process in which a committee consisting of faculty, staff and current student brand ambassadors evaluates applications and conducts interviews. The program, which is voluntary, is run by the Strategy and Communications team.

Here is what is expected of a Burnett Brand Ambassador:

  • Serve during the 2022-2023 Academic Year, which begins in July 2022 and ends June 2023.
  • Attend at least one of the SOM Brand Ambassadors Media training sessions. .
  • Submit IG Takeover Responsibility Agreement form and host at least one IG Takeover during the academic year or participate in a SOM social media campaign (FWMD Live, video, etc.)
  • Participate in at least one media interview request, SOM interview request, marketing request, advancement request, video request, photo request or social media request during the academic year.