Student feedback is key to continuous quality improvement in all phases of our curriculum and our medical school. Here’s how the Burnett School of Medicine at TCU has responded to student suggestions and input.

You Said

More microbiology and immunology practice questions to prepare for Step 1 exam.

We did

Our microbiology faculty has developed the Microbiology Gold Cup Game, featuring 400 well-designed microbiology, immunology, and anti-infective pharmacology Board-style questions to better prepare students for the Step 1 exam. In addition, our microbiology faculty have also provided 20 decks of Anki cards, each containing 30-50 cards, and 11 cheat sheets on these disciplines.

You Said

We need additional resources to prepare for Step 1.

We did

Revamped and expanded our Step 1 review program resulting in our new Saturday School offerings.

Provided each student with a free subscription to UWORLD.

Provided an in-house team of Learning Specialists to help students develop a study plan and assess readiness to sit for the exam.

You Said

We would like NBME questions for our Anatomy exams.

We did

We added NBME questions for student assessment. We are carefully tracking the NBME exam questions for the appropriate representation of all the basic science disciplines. Additionally, we are making plans to include formative NBME-like anatomy questions in CAS sessions throughout the curriculum beginning with the class of 2028.

You Said

We want preceptors to have continued faculty development for narrative comments on summative assessments, especially those that go in the MSPE.

We did

The Burnett School of Medicine hired Dr. Kimberly Washington as the new Assistant Dean for Clinical Faculty Success and one of the initial priorities will be the intentional development of our LIC preceptors.

You Said

We want exams on Friday mornings, rather than Friday afternoon.

We did

We moved exams to Friday mornings.

You Said

Exams can be long, can we have beverages available?

We did

Students may now leave their drinks in the back of the room during exams.

You Said

A full day in the OR would be optimal for the Surgery clerkship as opposed to a half day.

We did

LIC leadership and staff completely reworked the schedule to make this change.

You Said

We want more practice test questions.

We did

We have purchased U World and ScholaRx, the two national standards for all students. Additionally, we are considering providing access to Lecturio and Kaplan Simulated Step 1 Exam to all students.

You Said

TLIC could be scheduled more efficiently.

We did

Faculty reworked the course into a two-week model as opposed to three weeks and a week break was given between Immersions and the remainder of the LIC.

You Said

Can the bricks align better with the content presented?

We did

Faculty are given stringent parameters on brick selection and study time to review and also may now edit to more tightly reflect on faculty expectations.

You Said

We need more training in medical Spanish.

We did

The School of Medicine purchased an online Spanish course and hired Karla O’Donald, PhD, who teaches Spanish for TCU, to work with the communication team and integrate medical Spanish as a mandatory component of the curriculum, in addition to the 2-week Medical Spanish elective. This course will also be made available to our faculty and preceptors as well.

You Said

We want more participation in the Introduction to Medicine course.

We did

Multiple students from CO2026 participated last July and this will be expanded moving forward.

You Said

CO 2025 requested an additional mask fitting since many away rotations require updated documentation.

We did

Staff set up an optional mask fitting directly after a curriculum session to allow for optimal convenience for students.

You Said

We want more service learning opportunities.

We did

Dr. Bonnell and team have developed a variety of opportunities for service learning including all of CO 2027 participating in Academy 4 as part of the curriculum, as well as increased opportunities across classes to work at Mercy Clinic.

You Said

We need microbiology sooner in Neuro 1.

We did

We moved microbiology sessions earlier in Neuro 1.

You Said

Optimize the timing of the retake of an exam.

We did

We have worked hard to place the retake to optimize student needs, including study time, but also balancing the student’s schedule and timely progress.

You Said

We want more opportunities to interact with other graduate students at TCU.

We did

CO 2027 was able to participate in an online book club with nursing and other students and faculty and discussed the book “Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm Ravaged Hospital” from a variety of perspectives. Other opportunities are being planned.

You Said

We don’t want PIBL during MHD exam weeks.

We did

We removed PIBL from exam weeks during MHD.

You Said

We need some time before the Transition to Residency course.

We did

The timing of the course was adjusted to have time to find housing and address other residency-required obligations. Extensive work has gone into making the course as efficient and high yield as possible to prepare for the intern year.

You Said

Try to align NBME questions used with objectives for sessions.

We did

Faculty must choose NBME questions that are covered by the objectives in the course.  Additionally, all questions are reviewed by an exam review committee, addressing alignment with objectives and degree of difficulty (range from ‘easy’ to ‘difficult’).

You Said

We want more standardization around how clinical skills are taught by various cohort faculty members.

We did

The Clinical Skills leadership recently developed a handbook that details the exact expectations of each component of the physical exam and this will be distributed to students and utilized by faculty in both Phase 1 and the LIC to ensure that expectations are clear and fair both for learning and for OSCEs and other assessments.

You Said

Provide a preview of the conditions presented in the Content Framing Sessions to conceptualize the cases beforehand and better engage with the patient.

We did

Posted previews of the cases presented for Content Framing Sessions on Canvas, available by Friday at noon the prior week, to enhance understanding and engagement during the sessions.

You Said

We want better aligned Mechanisms of Health and Disease (MHD) content that flows together through Phase 1.

We did

The blocks of content have been adjusted to align better for the Phase 1 period.

You Said

Breaking a content theme with a holiday break is suboptimal.

We did

We adjusted all Phase 1 content to not be split by holiday time where possible.

You Said

We need peer tutoring.

We did

Launched the Peer Tutoring Program in November 2022, which included nine peer tutors from the class of 2024 and class of 2025 who assisted with MHD Curriculum Content Areas and Step preparation throughout the year.

Based on a survey of students who took part in the program, tutors scored an average rating of 9.75 out of 10 for assisting students with meeting their goal for the tutoring session. Students reported an average of  9 out of 10 confidence level in their own abilities after their tutor session and 100 percent of respondents said they would make another tutoring appointment.

You Said

Class of 2027 said it would be helpful to have the final set of MHD practice questions prior to the week of the exam.

We did

MHD faculty are now posting the final set of MHD practice questions on Canvas, no later than noon on Friday the week before the exam. This gives students a full week to review the practice questions prior to the exam.